About Us
Our Story
Light To Life was founded by Tenaj Moody in 2012 at Wesley College as the first funded anti-domestic violence program on campus to provide a safe space for college students to be seen, heard, understood and provided with resources and tools to empower them on their healing journeys. Over a decade now, Light To Life has expanded internationally, to date Light To Life is a 2X award winning program and has served 400+ justice-impacted women and girl survivors, and over 1500 young people. We have partnered with nonprofit organizations, universities/colleges, professional and the public sector and has is internationally known for working with survivors and justice-impacted women and girls who have experienced gender-based violence. Tenaj has made it an obligation to build support networks, and educational programming that provides tools and resources to heal and prevent domestic violence.
Our Mission
Light To Life’s mission is to educate, empower and engage communities to prevent gender-based violence. Light To Life fulfills this mission by providing gender-responsive, culturally-affirming, trauma-informed programming, technical assistance and consulting tailored to: survivors of gender-based violence, women, girls, gender nonconforming people (GNC) and justice-involved women and girls.
Our Vision
To create inclusive safe spaces for victims and survivors, empower communities with education and provide tools for one to recognize their individual inherent strengths.
Our Philosophy Framework
● Survivor-Centered: Survivors’ voices must be the foundation of all anti-violence work.
● Trauma-Informed: We understand that all people have experienced various traumas and violence throughout their lives, including intergenerational and historical trauma.
● Intersectional: Each individual has unique experiences that may have led to their victimization and have overlapping identities that have shaped how they experience gender-based violence.
● Evidenced-Based: Our curriculum is rooted in research that has shown to have positive health outcomes showing an increase in interpersonal and intrapersonal skills and reductions in victimization and substance abuse.

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